gak kehitung jumlah uang yang dikeluarkan seseorang untuk bisa keluar masuk seminar - seminar (dengan berbagai nama) yang katanya bisa membantu meningkatkan kualitas diri
ada yang berhasil, kebanyakan gagal
pada akhirnya sih tergantung pada orangnya masing-masing apakah siap untuk membuka lembaran baru atau masih mau berkutat di lembaran lama
kalau sudah masalah pribadi masing - masing, itu sudah tidak ada yang bisa menolong lagi, tapi kalau masalah penyampaian, daripada ikut seminar mahal yang seringkali garing, ada cara yang lebih asik
ladies and gentlemen, i present you AKB48 18th Single Beginner :
DOWNLOAD HERE *credit to Moy of NihonGoGo
sori gak bisa kasih video, utub lagi rewel
buat yang gak ngerti moonspeak (kayak saya) jangan khawatir ini terjemahan dari liriknya :
In your position set!
The experiences and knowledge
you had through yesterday are just baggage
The wind always blows on through
and doesn't leave anything behind
Find a new path!
Don't open someone else's map!
When you raise your lowered eyes, everything will start from 0
Are we dreaming?
Do we believe in the future?
We're reckless, not knowing fear
or what our place is
Are we dreaming now?
Freshly, just like children…
We'll tear off the chains that have controlled us
Change your mind
Change your mind
It's OK not to know anything, beginner!
Failing, getting embarrassed,
and being hurt become emotional trauma
The adults got smart, deciding
that they didn't want to feel that again
"Trying things is absurd"
What are they protecting by making foolish calculations
that help them avoid risks?
Are we alive?
Do we want to live tomorrow, too?
We act like we know, like we're know-it-alls
We haven't dreamed in a long time
That's right, are we living?
Are we making the most of our lives?
Feel the beat now!
Stand up! Together!
Remember the day you were born!
Everyone was a beginner!
Stand up! Right away!
Things don't go well
easily, right from the start
Stand up! Together!
Just return to the beginning
once again, beginner!
Stand up! Right away!
Be defiant, be defiant
and something will happen
Destroy and throw away the old page
Now, let's start!
We can be reborn all the time
Are we dreaming?
Do we believe in the future?
We're reckless, not knowing fear
or what our place is
Are we dreaming now?
Freshly, just like children…
We'll tear off the chains that have controlled us
We can't do anything
We can't do it right
So what?
We're young
We can't do anything
We can't do it right away
But that's why we have potential
The rain has stopped
The wind has stopped
A light never before seen
is piercing down
Now is the time
You've been reborn, beginner!
(Beginner - AKB48) credit to Hana of NihonGoGo
See my point? lirik dari single ini udah mencakup semua yang selalu diulang-ulang di seminar-seminar yang harganya ratusan ribu itu, sedangkan harga single ini gak lebih dari 200 ribu rupiah dan bisa diputer berulang-ulang belom lagi bonus ngeliatin cewek - cewek cakep ngedance
kesimpulannya : single AKB48 jauh lebih baik dari segala macam so called seminar peningkatan kualitas diri
maka dari itu beli dan dukung terus AKB48
jangan2 AKB48 baru dari seminar itu,
BalasHapustrus bikin single yang isinya hasil nyatet isi seminar?????
piss kak.... just kidding....
kadang2 lirik lagu dengan penyampaian (musik pengiring dan lain-lain) memang bisa masuk dan meresap maknanya ketimbang seminar yang bikin ngantuk...
contoh lain.. R Kelly, i believe i can fly....
sip deh infonya... tinggal nyari link donlotannya aja...
^ meiibi :))
BalasHapusyoha, seharusnya seminar - seminar itu dikemas dalam format lagu gitu ya, biar asik :))
kalo perlu dikasih dancer2 yang kawai2 :))